my thoughts on the goodness of life...

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Jetties, Planes, and Bon Jovi

Today my friends and I took a stroll towards the airport in search of fun and fellowship. Due to our thinned-out wallets, we were forced to tap into our creative resources to think of a low-budget option. The general consensus voted for the famous jetty juxtaposed a la airport. For those wondering what a jetty is, Google defines it as "a protective structure of stone or concrete that extends from shore to water to prevent a beach from washing away." Basically a long strip of rocks that leads to nowhere (except for the metal lookout station where scenes from Titanic can be reenacted.) I also discovered that this particular jetty serves an additional purpose of removing the city's waste. Lovely.

The entire strip took all of 2 hours to complete, including the occasional interruption for pictures and pauses to stop and wave at each plane headed for landing. Cheezy? Indeed. We expressed our silliness in bad jokes and performances of Bon Jovi (Trudi on vocals, air guitar, and drums). Good times.

What made me stop and think about this escapade was how we managed to derive so much enjoyment from something so inconsequential and trite. I'm realizing that just as much fun can be had doing something so simple and unadorned as you might have on a fancy excursion requiring a fat wad of benjamins. Sometimes it is in these moments when I have much so much more. It is in these occasions when I'm taken back to a child-like posture of giddiness and foolhardy delight. It makes me want to capture it in a frame. Oh wait...I did.


DanThoms said...

The ability to have fun with zero dollars is a gift from God. In fact, thats usually the best kind of fun.

Reverb said...

Nice post...tell Trudi, Kat, and Amy that I think they are all awesome.