my thoughts on the goodness of life...

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Don't Let the Bed Bugs Bite

This age-old saying has taken up real-life meaning for me. Only me. Yes, not my dear husband. Just me.

If you're not quite picking up what I'm putting down, I will give it to you straight. Carrie has bed bugs. Well, I would say this conclusion is 98% accurate. Here is the current supporting evidence:

-I wake up nearly every morning with little red bite-looking spots on various body parts
-Many people in our apartment building have claimed to have these creepy varmints
-During our trip home I had no signs of any spots. The night we came back, so did the spots.
-We come into contact with many people each day that are cursed by this beastie.

And here is the opposing evidence:

-Ryan has no indication whatsoever on his limbs of spots (a previous scabies immunization causes him to believe he might be resistant. However, scabies does not equal bed bugs)
-I have searched our mattress 5 bajillion times and see nothing to prove they are there (according to Google, bugs should be present in mattress seams)

Based on the given data and attestation, I'm leaning towards the confirmation of their presence. Am I a hypochondriac? Or more appropriately, a acarophobic?

What would your assumption be? Help me solve the mystery...

1 comment:

Ryan Allen Doan said...

ew gross. I'm glad I don't have those crawling on me at night. You should try pooping your pants.