my thoughts on the goodness of life...

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Thawing Out...

We recently headed back to our winterized garden to discover that it is no longer lying dormant. New life was springing forth under the frozen clusters of icicles that resembled something of a crazy prism.

Spring is definitely on its way, and with that realization before us we hauled our shovels and buckets to begin preparations for another year of growth and abundant harvests.

We were welcomed by cigarette butts and other random pieces of trash strewn throughout our beds of lettuce, garlic and turnips. Sunflowers had to be hacked down and leaves were ready to be raked away in order to make way for more crops.

Isn't he handsome...perhaps a job with Rumpke in the future??

Amazing how we are always so happy to get dirty.

Look at all those goodies. Again, somehow garbage = excitement.

"Brokeback Owl" (as we like to call him) had the luxury of cleaning out our composter-turned-waste bin-with-lots-of-nastiness. Moments like these remind me just how much he is like Jesus.

I'm not quite sure what's happening here. Either sinking in quicksand or trying to surf on dirt.

All jokes aside, it's amazing to see the parallels of the seasons of the garden in congruence with the transformation of our lives this past year. It sounds cheesy and the garden analogy is, I admit, exceedingly overused. But there's something about the rhythm of the cycles that mimic that of our own lives. Death, rebirth, life. Another way to put it practically might be suffering, strengthening, joy. Over and over again, it is a daily tempo for me. It's a valuable reminder to witness the glimpses of green buds and new sprouts of life - one that shouts a message of hope and beauty in a world that is waiting to see it restored.

It's so close I can almost taste it....

Monday, February 4, 2008

Vulnerable Vision

In recent weeks, we have spent a great deal of time conjuring up images and dreams of what we envision next. I suppose next could be anywhere from tomorrow, to 2 months, or for all eternity. It's a chance to delve into the desires of our hearts, examine if they are being birthed from God, and bring them to life by painting pictures with words of what we foresee in the future. It actually proves to be a complex, laborious process as we dig into our deep-rooted values, interests and longings - and then constructing an image or "vision" out of the creative juices my imagination can so often fail to produce. In the midst of my quest for a revelation, I was enticed with an epiphany. Here is my latest and greatest draft of my hopes and dreams for the future of God's Kingdom:

My vision is to be a catalyst in the transformation of those wishing to go deeper in their journey with Christ. I believe God desires me to create environments where people can discover more about themselves and God, and how they can take part in the “battle for the broken.”

As a wife, I will strive to value Ryan as Christ does, supporting his unique self and co-laboring with him in the calling that is placed on our lives. I will uphold the qualities of dignity, honor, love and truth as it pertains to our relationship while we maintain a God-centered marriage.

I desire to use my gifts of exhortation, mercy, and evangelism as I reach out to those who feel inferior and estranged from God with a message of greatness and mercy, bringing them to a point of greatness. I feel called to encourage, guide, uplift and serve those considered “outsiders” in ways that can bring about restoration and beauty.

I will seek to live simply and intentionally in the context of a
values-keeping, vision-oriented, and Kingdom-seeking community. At the same time, I commit to caring for creation by the way I live, and through my actions aim to encourage others to do the same.

Welp, there you go folks. My whole heart and soul spilled out on an unlaced blogsite for all to behold. Funny how a few lines of simple words can generate such eagerness, delight, and trepidation all at once. Sometimes it makes me feel like an emotional basketcase.

I've found that the trick to not freaking out every time I take a peek at the page is to extend my open palms toward the heavens and release it to the Father. My statistics have shown that 10 out of 10 times He usually has the brighter idea anyway.

Thank God for that.